your business into a virtual enterprise. 3Com® NBX®
IP site licenses allow NBX line cards and telephones
to be located remotely across a network router and across
the world. Assign IP addresses to remote telephone or
line cards and let any remote telephone user or remote
office with a multiprotocol router access 3Com SuperStack®
3 NBX or NBX 100 call processing and messaging features.
Remotely located devices appear as if they were physically
attached to the corporate LAN, and can be managed locally.
Incoming callers get a transparent connection to remote
offices or branch locations. Reaching remote employees
is as easy as dialing an extension number or pressing
the transfer button.
- Remote
phone users can take advantage of office-based features
- Branch
offices and remote employees are fully integrated,
helping to improve the incoming caller's experience
- Customers
use one main contact number for your entire enterprise
- One
voice mail system serves all users
- Eliminates
the expense of acquiring and maintaining separate
telephone systems in remote offices
- License
upgrades can be quickly activated via software code
Serve site license enables all local and remote NBX
phones and analog line card ports to operate as IP
phones at Layer 3; IP addresses can be supplied via
static or DHCP addressing
On-the-Fly site license enables all local and remote
NBX phones and analog line card ports to operate as
IP phones at Layer 3 on a per-call basis, allowing
a smaller pool of IP addresses to be dynamically assigned
as needed
- IP On-the-Fly
Upgrade from IP Serve upgrades a SuperStack 3 NBX
or NBX 100 system from NBX IP Serve, enabling it to
operate in IP on-the-fly mode